How to get over yourself and try something new.

Recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am regularly held back from trying new things that I might enjoy or even love. What is holding me back you say? An enormous sense of fear and anxiety around experiencing something new, meeting new people and being a well rounded inadequate in the world of said new-thing. How to get over this, you say? Well…

Be comfortable in yourself first

When I say this, I don’t mean that you should seriously evaluate your inner view of yourself before you try anything new (although you definitely should consider how you view yourself regularly too!). What I mean is that you should be able to feel comfortable in how you look, feel or appear when you’re trying something new.

For example, if you’re starting a new sport, make sure you’re wearing appropriate sportswear which makes you feel damn good (because you look it!), straps everything safely down (I’m talking about you, boobs), and is comfortable to move in! Obviously the second 2 points are more vital to actually doing well, but if you feel confident, you’re more likely to put yourself out there! It doesn’t matter if what makes you feel good is oversized jogging bottoms or a leotard (sports, and weather, dependent). The important thing is your comfort and confidence.


Have some perspective.

Everyone has a first time at everything, and it’s easy to forget that. No-one was born with an incredible natural ability to swim at an olympic level, or play the violin like an angel. Every single person who does anything, has had a nerve wrecking moment when they first attempted that particular thing.

Secondly, the only people who succeed are the people who try. So I can guarantee that if you never even make it to session one, you will not become amazing at it ever. You’re increasing your chances of being outstanding in your field significantly just by starting it. Although, that said…

Change your priorities

You don’t even need to be good!

I can honestly say that I have been overwhelmingly shit at literally every new thing I’ve attempted in the last 19 years. That has yet to put me off doing most of it though! It’s important to shift your focus from the overly achievement based society we live in, to try and consider other aspects of a hobby too.

Some important questions to ask yourself after your first session include: Did you have fun? Did you meet goals which you set yourself? Have you a newfound sense of community?

If the answer is yes, or even kind of to any of the above questions, it’s worth thinking about going back again!

 Focus on the good

Has anyone ever died from going to one book club meeting. From a quick google search, which is classed as extensive research over here, I would say no.

There is almost no downside to trying something new. The consequences will likely be small, and will not affect your life beyond that particular day.

That said, the upside of trying something new can be literally life changing. So on balance, I’d say that having a go is the best path of action!

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