The Beginning

Perseverance has never been a strong point for me. To be completely honest, I like to quit. There’s nothing more satisfying than just giving up, eating a pizza and doing nothing for several days. In fact, that’s my idea of the perfect weekend.

So, when I decided that I was going to get fit and healthy again, following a reasonably long period of health hibernation (spent mostly in a blanket cave, filled with carbs and the Good Place), there was already the thought of quitting in the back of my mind.

To be fair,  for the last year, I have some reasonable excuses to why I’ve let everything healthy and good take the back road, crash into a tree and burst into flames. A number of vitamin deficiencies have left me tired, sluggish and fatigued, and my newest birth control method (the implant – basically a lolly stick surgically jammed into my arm) took a while to get used to.

But today, the excuses stop. I’ve spent at least 2 hours on a fitness and food plan which I promise (I PROMISE) I will actually try and follow. By writing this blog, I’m hopefully going to hold myself accountable!

To be completely transparent, while I have been wanting to get fit and healthy again for some time, the catalyst here is a holiday I’ve booked to Ibiza in June with the girls. So be prepared!

Here goes nothing!

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